Tuesday, 9 December 2008


So, I've now been running heroics for a good week or so. I've purchased miself the lovely epic tanking necklace for the new Badgers (everyone seems to be calling them badgers despite the rename, so I is a happy badger) and have built my engi tanking goggles, so I'm up to three epics. I'm also defcapped and have just over 22k health, so my gear is progressing nicely - I'm more or less prepared for the easier sections of Naxx, and it doesn't take much effort to give my health a HUGE spike, as my DK friend Talania proved yesterday by acquiring a nice tanking trinket from heroic Azjol-Nerub - with over 100 stamina on it where before he had none. That's a health spike of over 1000, folks, which I hope to repeat.

As to the title of the post, I am setting up a raiding guild named Shieldbearers. We intend to start raiding as soon as we're set up, and are recruiting everyone who can prove they have a mental age of over 15 and is above level 75. That means that I want you folks to have a looksee. It's on Moonglade, alliance-side, remember. The forum post is here.

Thanks for the attention!