Sunday, 30 November 2008


I've hit 80 now, and run my first heroic at 80 in Violet Hold, netting myself some Epic Pants into the bargain, along with a Frozen Orb and some emblems(lack of badger jokes makes me cry). The run was fairly smooth, with only one death because of an overzealous ele shammy blapping the wrong target at the wrong time and getting nigh-oneshotted, despite my fairly shite gear, including two greens.

This has two sides to it; 1, I can get straight into heroics without thinking "But is my gear enough?"
2, obviously, is that it's too easy. That run was challenging for the healer, but for me? Utter piss; despite being colossally outgeared (already) by our DPS, I held aggro for most of the run without breaking a sweat. I worry that this extends to raids; I don't want every man (or woman) and his dog (or bitch) to be able to clear all the content. I loved pre-TBC raiding; not alot of folks raided, not everyone PvPed, and as a result most of the player population was wearing blues with maybe an epic or two, if they had been hugely lucky, had lots of gold or had managed to get into an MC raid. That meant it was -fantastic- when you got your first epic, because it felt like you were entering some sort of elite; getting my first 80 epic today was more "Cool, I got a drop." I want to be ecstatic at epix! They should be hard to get!

Of course, I can't say much about arenas yet - there's no arena gear just yet. Suckers!

Tuesday, 25 November 2008


Nom. I've now reached level 77 on Daigeil, and damn is it good to have my flier back. I'm also at 450 mining (/flex), and so all ur titanium r belong 2 me. But good grief engineering takes some levelling! Only at 412 skill, despite using all the ore I've got through mining on it. I must've used at least 300 cobalt and another 100 saronite (ore, that is). But eh, I'll get there, and there's a lovely big motorbike waiting for me at the end.

Wintergrasp, my friends, is damned slick. It's exceedingly cool, and so far I've only been in games with 10-15 players a side - I can only imagine what 40-a-side or more games are going to be like. And the potential honor reward is crazy! In my first game, on the assault, we lost and I recieved over 2k honour in kills and rewards. However, one request to anyone going in there; when your vehicles are more-or-less capped out, don't build sodding catapults! Get Siege Engines and Demolishers! I haven't reached the fliers yet (if they really exist, I haven't seen any yet) - there aren't enough people about to get the ranks up before we bust through/fall back.

Icecrown is also fantastic, but if you're planning to head out there, try to get your epic flier until you do - catching the Skybreaker is a pain in the ass on a normal flier,and the zone is huge anyhow.

Sholazar is purdy.

Crystalsong is purdy but underused.

It's all, basically, purdy.

Friday, 21 November 2008


I will not say precisely what is epic. I -will- say that you should go to Dragonblight, head to Star's Rest, get the quest to go to Wintergarde Keep and follow the quests there - and the quests leading on from those - as soon as you reasonably can. DO IT.

Tuesday, 18 November 2008

Pure Awesome

Sorry for the gap, but I'm sure you all know why - Wrath and the leadup thereof. I would like to say first, to those who're already level 80, congratulations! I realise it can take alot of time to get there that fast, and if you're using mob tagging, well done for working the system out.

Secondly the new zones are -fantastic-. Howling Fjord is gorgeous, Grizzly Hills actually feel forest-y, and Dragonblight... Wow. Dragonblight is the most awesome zone I have ever experienced; for those who haven't seen it yet, go. Now. Head to Wintergarde Keep if you're alliance, and do that most awesome of quest chains. It's the earliest way to experience proper vehicle combat, GotA notwithstanding, so take advantage of it.

Finally, Death Knights are damned sweyt. Unholy is awesome for PvP with excellent control and burst, Blood is fantastic for levelling (literally zero downtimes), and Frost seems like a viable tanking spec with good damage. I love the starting quest line, I love thelore, I love the look and feel of the class.

It's just awesome, and anyone sayin' it's faillore need to realise two things. One, in stories, -things happen-. Things that happen are not usually predictable. They do not necessarily follow the rules of past happenings, and characters do not know everything. Since more or less everything we learn in-game is from characters telling us so, we can't say that that is absolute law (or indeed lore). Two, characters -have- to die, to keep the game satisfying. Raiding Black Temple would not be as satisfying if Illidan escaped. The Eye would not have been as satisfying if not for MgT and killing Kael once and for all. You get the point. We might get upset that our favourite characters die, but we don't protest to the author and say it's lore-breaking. So yeah.

Sunday, 2 November 2008

Procrastination. Pro-crast-in-at-ion


Yeah, I've got tons of homework, so this is a post of Proooooooocraaaaaaastiiiiiiinaaaaation. Procrastination. You get the picture.

Updates on my recent activities... I've now hit 69 with Draik (har har), but Arranath has stalled somewhat level-wise, as a direct result of my determination to solo Cruel's Intentions. Don't look so disbelieving; anyone who's clearing Hellfire should know that the quest is a five-man and therefore utterly infeasible. But anyone who's paid attention during that fight will also have noticed that he moves -very fecking slowly-.

So slowly, in fact, that I can kite him without using Aspect of the Cheetah. I kited him right down through the pools, using the Gorilladin to whack any adds that spawn, then along the road east, realised I was about to reach a camp full of orcs, so sicced my pet, feigned, ran past him and then kited him almost all the way back, going past the pools and almost reaching the Temple of Telhamat. Unfortunately, at about 2%, I thought (oh woe) "I'll just stop and finish him off..." and got one-shotted with pyroblast. I have not yet repeated this performance.

In leveling Draik I have also come to believe that, though BM always has been imba, Balance druids are imba as well. I'm levelling on mobs 2-3 levels lower than myself, and I regularly twoshot them with Starfire, or even Starfire and then Wrath, if they both crit. That's four seconds a kill and is flaming ridiculous. (Doublecasting wrath only needs one crit but takes 5.5 seconds) I also have crazy AoE these days, with Typhoon, Starfall and zero-cooldown Hurricane, not to mention that all of those can crit and trigger Moonkin form's mana regenerating effect.

Another slightly strange thing I've noticed is this; when I cast Wrath out of Boomkin form I deal about 200-300 damage, but in form it's more like 950. What the hell? I don't have that many talents that improve damage in moonkin form, and so this is quite perplexing. I need to look into it.

With Mirai I've been experiencing quite a bit of Raid success. Just the other week we cleared Magtheridon, Void Reaver and the Lurker Below, all three guild firsts, so I'm seeing quite alot of new content with the guild, which is good for securing my position within the guild as a fairly regular raider. We're going for a full TK run on Nov. 7th, so I'll fill you in on how that goes once it goes.

And, finally, I'm all itchy for WotLK. I wants it NAO.

Remember, that was a post of procrastination. Prooo-okI'mstopping.