Tuesday, 9 December 2008


So, I've now been running heroics for a good week or so. I've purchased miself the lovely epic tanking necklace for the new Badgers (everyone seems to be calling them badgers despite the rename, so I is a happy badger) and have built my engi tanking goggles, so I'm up to three epics. I'm also defcapped and have just over 22k health, so my gear is progressing nicely - I'm more or less prepared for the easier sections of Naxx, and it doesn't take much effort to give my health a HUGE spike, as my DK friend Talania proved yesterday by acquiring a nice tanking trinket from heroic Azjol-Nerub - with over 100 stamina on it where before he had none. That's a health spike of over 1000, folks, which I hope to repeat.

As to the title of the post, I am setting up a raiding guild named Shieldbearers. We intend to start raiding as soon as we're set up, and are recruiting everyone who can prove they have a mental age of over 15 and is above level 75. That means that I want you folks to have a looksee. It's on Moonglade, alliance-side, remember. The forum post is here.

Thanks for the attention!

Sunday, 30 November 2008


I've hit 80 now, and run my first heroic at 80 in Violet Hold, netting myself some Epic Pants into the bargain, along with a Frozen Orb and some emblems(lack of badger jokes makes me cry). The run was fairly smooth, with only one death because of an overzealous ele shammy blapping the wrong target at the wrong time and getting nigh-oneshotted, despite my fairly shite gear, including two greens.

This has two sides to it; 1, I can get straight into heroics without thinking "But is my gear enough?"
2, obviously, is that it's too easy. That run was challenging for the healer, but for me? Utter piss; despite being colossally outgeared (already) by our DPS, I held aggro for most of the run without breaking a sweat. I worry that this extends to raids; I don't want every man (or woman) and his dog (or bitch) to be able to clear all the content. I loved pre-TBC raiding; not alot of folks raided, not everyone PvPed, and as a result most of the player population was wearing blues with maybe an epic or two, if they had been hugely lucky, had lots of gold or had managed to get into an MC raid. That meant it was -fantastic- when you got your first epic, because it felt like you were entering some sort of elite; getting my first 80 epic today was more "Cool, I got a drop." I want to be ecstatic at epix! They should be hard to get!

Of course, I can't say much about arenas yet - there's no arena gear just yet. Suckers!